Switzerland (2013-07-05)
Clibing to Jungfrau a Mönch
Sahara (2013-02-08)
Short trip to Erg Chebbi. Dunes reach a height of 150m.
Moroccans (2013-02-05)
Atlas (2013-02-04)
Greece (2012-10-05)
Germany - Jubiläumsgrat (2012-09-08)
Ridge tour from Zugspitze to Alpspitze.
Switzerland (2012-07-25)
Giblartar (2012-05-17)
Sumava (2012-01-25)
Corsica - France (2011-06-07)
Another pregnancy trip.
New Zealand - south island (2010-02-10)
This gallery I´m prepare...
New Zealand - North Island. (2010-02-05)
Tongariro crossing went through a beautiful volcanic area. On Mt Taranaki we were stopped by rain.
Fiji islands (2010-01-10)
This gallery I´m prepare...Sorry...
Pearl Harbour (2009-10-02)
Pearl Harbour
Peru (2009-07-10)
I´m sorry, I´m working on this galery
Hawaii - Maui (2009-02-17)
Maui is the second biggest island on Hawaii. The surfers from the whole World like this place for very very big waves.
Hawaii - Night Honolulu (2009-02-10)
Honolulu means in Hawaiien language shells buy. It is capital city 50th state of the USA - Hawaii. Is on O´ahu island. Is here popular beach Waikiki. If someone wants visit lost paradies, then he have to visit different place...
Hawaii - Big Island (2009-02-07)
Big Island is the youngest and the bigest of Hawaiian islands. With my Brazilian friend we borrowed car and drove around the island. For this trip we had only three days...
Hawaii - Oahu (2009-01-11)
......on this galery I´m working.....I´m sorry
Hawaii - Kauai (2009-01-10)
Kaua´i islands name is too The Garden island. On this island are one of biggest precipitation on the World about 15 metres a year.
Hawaii - Polynesian Cultural Center (2009-01-02)
Hawaii - Sunset (2009-01-02)
......this pictures I have to prepare...I´m sorry......
Skiing Austria (2008-12-24)
Skiing Austria
ÿþC u t o f f E l b e K o l í n (2008-10-06)
Afternoon walk around cutoff of Elbe (Legrák) by Kolin. Autumn is starting to change colours.
Islands Galapagos (2008-09-12)
Galapagos lie on equator, approximately 1000 Km from the coast of South America. They have volcanic origin and there isn´t a lot of drinking water.
The animals from Galapagos islands. (2008-09-08)
Galapagos are home of many kinds of animals, some of them don´t live anywhere on other places of the world. Most of them are not afraid of people.
Jungle (2008-09-01)
Sorry, I m prepare this gallery
The people Ecuador (2008-08-30)
The livestyle of people in mountains is different than in a city. People must work hard on fields to earn their living.
Mountains of Ecuador (2008-08-25)
In Cordillera we enjoy fog, blizzard and snowfall. Some volcano are active e.g. Guagua Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua.
Ecuador (2008-08-22)
Ecuador lies on equator. There are many active volcanos. Capital city Quito is the second highest capital city on the world. In Ecuador we can find sand beaches, white mountains and large jungles.
My pictures exhibition (2008-07-01)
My picture exibition in town cinema in Kolin.
Dolomity - Italian (2008-06-20)
I´m sorry this is prapare...
Tatry - Slovakia (2008-04-13)
To finish winter season we went with friends to the Tatra Mountains. Ice-falls were not safe because of warm weather. So we climbed snowy saddles by hut Brncalka.
Ski mountaineering at Ötztal Alps - Austria (2008-03-23)
On Friday evening we started our Easter Ski mountaneering in Ötztal Alps. Weather was, despite of bad weatherforecast, quite fine - two days of sunshine, one day fog and snowing. There was 20 cm of new snow in the morning and so we were enjoing beautiful down-hills.
Noosa Heads Queensland - Australia (2008-02-10)
Noosa Heads is situated on the easter coast, about 100km north of Brisbane. It is small town, where I was learning English for 7 weeks.
Cairns - Australia (2008-02-09)
Town Cairns is in tropics on north east coast near Great Barrier Reef. It is ideal place for scuba diving.
Sydney - New South Wales - Australia (2008-02-01)
Sydney is the biggest Australia city and the capital city of New South Wales.
Fraser Island - Australia (2008-01-25)
Fraser Island (long 122km), is the biggest sandy island on the world. Since year 1992 is part of UNESCO. On the island aren´t metalled road and entry is allowed only for cars 4WD .
Rainforest -Australia (2008-01-23)
Brisbane is capital city second the biggest state in Australia - Queensland. This it third the biggest city in Australia. In time Australian people celebrate Australia Day. This is jubilee discovery continent captain Cook.
Brisbane Queensland - Australia (2008-01-20)
Brisbane is a capital city of the second biggest state in Australia - Queensland. This is the third biggest city in Australia. In time I was there, Australian people were celebrating Australia Day. This is jubilee of discovery of continent by captain Cook.
Australia ZOO (2008-01-15)
Australia ZOO was established by Steve Irwin - the Crocodile Hunter. His TV programmes know people all around the world. He died in 2006 after his chest was fatally pierced by a stingray barb.
Noosa Heads Queensland - Australia (2008-01-10)
Noosa Heads is situated on the easter coast, about 100km north of Brisbane. It is small town, where I was learning English for 7 weeks.
Kirgiz (2007-08-20)
Kirgiz is one from the least developed ex-states of USSR. Capital city is Bishkek. This time we visited mountains Pamir.
People of Kirgiz (2007-08-10)
The photos reflect inhabitants of Kirgiz and their uneasy life connected with nature.
Climbing on Pik Lenin 7 137 m - Pamir (2007-07-30)
Climbing on the Pik Lenin 7 134m in Kirgiz Pamir mountains. The top was reached only by two of us. We finished on Pik Razdelnaja.
Area Monte Rosa - Italy (2007-07-07)
Area Monte Rosa from Italy. It was our aclimatisation tour before a trip to the Tian Shan in Kyrgystan on Pik Lenin.
Dachstein 2 995 m - Austria (2007-04-07)
Ski mountaineering weekend which was finished by ascend on snovy Dachstein - mountain massiv in Northern limestone Alps.
Zermatt Switzerland skiing under Matterhorn (2007-01-10)
We liked ski areal Zermatt/Cervinia very much, although ski conditions were not ideal for freeride skiing. In this area there is also extraordinary ski slope, which is 22 km long.
Climbing in Finale de Ligue - Italy (2006-09-30)
During our autumn climbing in Finále de Ligure in Italy we were enjoying sunny weather before coming winter
Wallis Alps Zermatt - Switzerland (2006-08-20)
Our climbing on peaks around Zermatt was broken by bad weather. Finally we climbed on Breithorn 4 165 m, Castor 4 226 m and Pollux 4 091 m (next peaks are still waiting for us...).
Climbing on Mera Peak 6 476 m (2005-10-20)
Autumn voyage at Nepal Himalaya. We were climbing on Mera Peak 6476 m. Climbing from Lukla back and forth took us 8 days.
Nepal (2005-10-20)
We visited some sights in Kathmandu and its neighbourhood before our way to mountains. Then we flew to Lukla.
Himalaya - Nepal (2005-10-15)
Trek around Mt. Everest. From Lukla to Namche Bazaar, to BC 5150 m of Island Peak, on Kalapatthar 5545 m, cross the saddle Cho La Pass 5368 m, on Gokyo Ri 5357 m and back to Lukla.
People and life in Nepal (2005-10-02)
The life of people of Nepal isn´t always easy. Photographs reflect real life of people in for us unimaginable living conditions.
Aletschorn - Switzerland (2005-09-01)
Our July climb on Aletschhorn 4 193 m. Heavy snowing didn´t allow us to climb second planned summit.
Climbing on Tatry - Slovakia (2005-05-09)
Climbing by Zbojnicka hut in High Tatra Mountains in Slovakia. We climbed on Strelecka peak, Siroka peak and Ostry peak.
Mont Blanc 4 807 m - France (2004-10-15)
Unsuccessful trial to climb Mont Blanc in October. Fog and heavy snowing did not allow us to reach the top.
People of Kirgiz (2003-00-00)
The photos reflect inhabitants of Kirgiz and their uneasy life connected with nature.
Kirgiz (2003-00-00)
Helicopter took us to Base Camp on glacier South Inylcek. From BC we wanted to climb summit Capajev 6 371 m, eventually to try Chan-Tengri 7 010 m. Heavy snowing, which brought huge avalanches, did not allow us to climb higher than to C1. Finally we went down the glacier 60 km and we discovered other parts of Tian Shan.